Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Seagull at Luna Park

While the kids were running around on the rides at Luna Park, Barb and I decided to take a walk on the boardwalk.
A seagull kept watching us.. like a chaperone making sure we weren't getting up to mischief. Unfortunately I didn't have anything to feed it, to bribe him to go away - but I did get a nice shot in. Posted by Picasa

Observing a candle

A nice impromptu shot with Dana watching the flame of a candle just after dinner. She was fascinated with the glow from the flame.
The candle is made of bees wax, so it somehow burnt a lot slower, and warmer? than the other candles we had. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

April with a stick, and a bit of attitude

This picture is of April, where I lowered the ISO setting to bring the colours out.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Fires in Woy Woy

The fires at Woy Woy on New Years Day 2006. This picture was taken by Barbara looking towards Point Claire from Gosford City. Barbara and the rest of the family evacuated to Gosford City from Point Claire half an hour before.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Christmas Tree

Oma and Opa always have a great Christmas tree set up every year. This year was no exception. I’m glad I have a digital SLR and that allowed me to have a shot that opened for 10 seconds. Posted by Picasa